VIN Reader

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VIN Reader
Product Details

The Abrites VIN reader is an outstanding tool with multiple purposes. It can be used to read and compare VIN (Vehicle Identification Numbers) in vehicles of multiple brands.

VIN reader is a system which consists of an Abrites Bluetooth device and the Abrites VIN reader application installed on an iOS or Android device.

Once the VIN reader is connected to a vehicle of interest it gathers a list of the VIN numbers within this vehicle and displays them on your phone screen. When this is done you can easily compare the VIN numbers within the vehicle directly on the screen of your device and you can see if the VIN numbers match each other and the physical VIN number stamped on the vehicle.

From this point on The Abrites VIN reader will run a search though some of the largest stolen vehicle databases in Europe and South Africa and will immediately provide you with a report of the comparison against the databases.

The Abrites VIN reader has a vast variety of applications. For example it can be used by law enforcement agencies from around the world to provide assistance in special operations and regular vehicle checks in case the officer of the law suspects that there is some tampering with a vehicle they are interested in.

Another great application for the VIN reader is in the regular vehicle inspection centers around the world. More and more regulatory agencies require the full VIN number report from the vehicle during the regular safety inspections such as MOT, TÜV and others.

*** PLEASE NOTE: This does not mean that ALL vehicles are supported.

  • The VIN Reader DOES support K-Line, CAN, & UDS communication protocols.
  • It does NOT support J1850 PWM / VPW (1996-2003) or Flex Ray.
  • It does NOT support CAN FD (2020+GM)
  • VIN Reader is used to communicate with the factory specifications of a vehicle. There are many aftermarket devices available to consumers that are not properly installed and affect the communication of the OBD port (On Board Diagnostics). Some examples of the most common aftermarket devices are: remote start, alarm systems, bypass systems, GPS, etc. Power is often taken from the OBD port to power these aftermarket devices or communication wires are interrupted or integrated into an aftermarket device. There could also be a blown fuse for the OBD port. These scenarios change the factory specifications which could affect the performance of the VIN Reader.

Abrites VIN Reader User Manual

Available on the App Store

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User of these products accepts full legal responsibilities for proper usage. These products are intended for legal use only. ABRITES USA does not condone or accept any responsibility for misuse of it's products.

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