The ZN086 is the latest ABRITES adapter developed to expand ABRPOG’s abilities. This adapter is used for reading and writing unlocked MC9S12 processors in boot mode, where soldering is required to directly connect to the module, equipped with the said Motorola processor.
The MC9S12 adapter has a DB25 connector to attach to the ABPROG (which is in turn attached to the AVDI), and four wires for soldering to the PCB of the module you are working on. Once you solder the wires and connect all hardware, you can access the functionalities for reading and writing via the ABPROG Upgraded and Classic menus in the ABRITES software.
As in many other procedures, when reading data from a module, it is important to save it. In this case, the software automatically prompts you to do just that. After saving it, you can proceed to update the data and perform various procedures, related to module adaptation.
The ZN086 makes working with these processors easier, so that you can get the job done effectively in a few easy steps. Order now: HERE.