In version 5.3 of the Abrites ECU Programming Tool we have added support for the Ford AdBlue module DCU17PC42, and users are now able to:
Read and write DFlash/Data
Read Boot/PFlash/Maps
Also, we have added support for Ford EDC17CP65, and users are enabled to read/write the following by OBD:
Read and write Maps/Program/DFlash
Read Boot/PFlash
We have also added support for several Mercedes CPC/CEPC Delphi devices (2.3,2.4, MFA). This includes full read of DFLASH/PFLASH, and read/write of the original or modified program data sector (allowing tuning) by OBD. Also, we have added support for full reading/writing of Mercedes Delphi CEPC with TC1797 and TC1793 processors by BOOT. This allows recovering such devices with corrupted flash data and is a unique functionality, offered only by Abrites.
And finally, we have added disabling of the anti-tuning function for Peugeot MG/MD ECUs and improvements in the checksum calculation of many ECUs.